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Punnu Games DevBlog #4 Christmas Edition


Merry Christmas everyone!

As we are now full steam heading towards Christmas and the year 2022, we are celebrating by creating something very christmassy for you! It is a secret yet, but keep your eyes and ears and phones open for the digital jingles bringing you the happy holidays from Punnu Games!


Arrival of Punnu now has the most important cinematics in place. I wrote some story lines to go with the 2D cinematics, made a couple of new animations for the boy so he feels like he’s more connected to the environment (like when the ground shakes, he loses balance), created scene animations and built the sequences in Unreal Engine.

Here is a clip of when the Punnu crash on Earth.

I also modelled the teleportation device which is based on Joonas’ 2D design of it.


I have been getting my head together with the design of the second level. It is interesting how hard it sometimes is to get the level design to correlate with the narrative, so that we get challenging and fun puzzles and obstacles that don’t break the story. Well anyways here are the preliminary drawings of what they might be. :D Can’t wait to see what happens after my sketches and levelplans go through the art-pipeline! This is 1 puzzle from the second part of the game (a sneak peak of the whole design).


I made some fixes to follower AI and the Punnus should be smarter in following the player in the future. The character switching works better now after I adjusted the uncontrolled characters position to be in the background so that the player no longer collides with them.


Let's step into the dark side...

As we announced that something is happening in the world of Fantastic Energy I started assembling the data objects, controller classes and the dun dun duu... MAP to the NEW project. Yup, we are updating our Unity version and building the whole thing from scratch. Tons to do, but mostly cleaning up the old codebase and breathing new life to it.

The twist to the story is one of the most interesting things we have yet done to the game.

So far we have made the most common mistake of trying to patch up stuff with new features and so on, but that just simply does no work. We are now taking a lot of things away and bringing in one major new thing to the game: The STORY and that story is about to change everything in the pretty and bright world of the cute energy monsters...


I have planned and designed monsters' new “darker” look. So basically new textures for the old monsters. But don’t worry, the old and bright look is safe, but in our new game design, monsters also have the “dark side”. I don’t show anything yet, but you can guess the direction from our last video about the Fantastic Energy.

As we are developing our Christmas surprise for everyone, Joonas has focused on tuning our beloved characters to Christmas mood and Mikko made a simple script that is going to help in the development of the big Christmas surprise.

As for other stuff happening we are now taking time to focus on our community!

Year 2022 will bring a lot of new things to our team as we are permanently changing the course of our company and pushing our games out to the world (YES we are launching Fantastic Energy AND demo of Arrival of Punnu in Spring 2022!)!!!

We hope to see as many as possible with us on this journey, as we are bringing our games for you to play!

We are wishing you a merry christmas and happy new year!

That's it for this time! We are really hoping to see you here next month as we continue our development and adventure!

With the best regards,

Punnu Game Team

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Tipi Ilmonen (CEO/Creative Director)

+358 40 167 4430

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