Welcome to Fantastic Weekly, a blog for our development process on our upcoming game: FANTASTIC ENERGY.

Download Fantastic Energy here
Game Design
Time to start concentrating on the carbon footprint and energy efficiency-related issues within the game! This week we have been designing the Terminal interface and how to show the players’ carbon footprint. We have been exploring the visual representations of different energy forms and testing what would work and what would not.
The Terminal within the game has been a real challenge since it is also the interface for all player data from skill tree to base status.
We decided to remove the AR from the game some time ago and due to that fact we had to redesign the visual representations all over again. It is not quite finished yet, but we are already building and testing how it might work. We are aiming to update the fully functional Terminal Interface at the end of September. :D
Guys! We’re looking for interns to work on Fantastic Energy! If you want to join our team, apply by emailing me at eeva@punnugames.com. All you need for the internship is experience in Unity Engine and preferably decent knowledge of C#. Previous experience with Git is a huge plus. So, apply and join us!
I have been mostly building the Terminal Interface. It is a real challenge! The biggest task there has been structuring and storing the players’ Carbon Footprint. I took some inspiration from some existing carbon footprint calculators and started constructing something that can be more useful and concrete to the player. We will see how that turns out…

I have also been building the actual scene with the Terminal, but for now, it doesn’t have much functionality. I am in the process of adding the building data we used in the Fantastic Data experiment as well.
This week I worked on the skyboxes. I was hoping I could come up with a shader for this so that I wouldn’t have to hand paint all of them. I looked into skybox shaders and managed to make something out of all the tutorials but it wasn’t as customizable as I had hoped so I had to put that aside for now and go back to hand painting. Maybe I’ll return to the shaders when I have more time. Here’s a gif of space!
This week I have done the base’s interior custom skins and fixed some UV and material issues. I tried to make at least one basic color skin and two or three different custom skins with fun themes for all the rooms, so there is still a lot of work to do.
Here are some example pictures:
Maybe the artist was hungry when making those ;P
Rawwwwr!!!! Are you brave enough to sleep here?

I have also some calm themed rooms :D
So next week, I will continue to make more room skins.
More animations for monsters I’ve worked on previously this week! Flying pig and Thick have had their turns this week, and it’s been ages since I last worked on Thick so it has been fun to go back and see what kind of animations and rig Thick has!
Thanks for reading and cya next week!
With love,
Punnu Games team