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Fantastic Weekly Pt 40 - 12.02.2021

Welcome to Fantastic Weekly, a blog for our development process on our upcoming game: FANTASTIC ENERGY.

Download Fantastic Energy here



We had a great testing event this Thursday! Caught a fair few bugs, heard some great opinions, and now we have a great plan to work with going forward! If you would like to be involved in the next testing event, join our discord and message me!

Game Design

This week, the design has mostly been focused on usability and preparing for a testing session.

We are working really hard on fixing things and improving the UX of the game for our upcoming update at the end of this month.

The update will contain a whole bunch of new stuff that I will tell about here in more detail once the update is out! :D

This week, the design has mostly been focused on usability and preparing for a testing session.

We are working really hard on fixing things and improving the UX of the game for our upcoming update at the end of this month.

The update will contain a whole bunch of new stuff that I will tell about here in more detail once the update is out! :D



Lots and lots of work on the terminal scene this week. I had to implement a few new data-storing systems and I also finished the Carbon Footprint Calculator which I am really proud of. :D

It is a big big system, but I emphasized attempting to get the correct results with as little input from the user as possible and it works! I will add an information panel about HOW the carbon footprint is calculated and what things are affecting the end result. Also, I will add some tips to reduce it and improve the usability overall even more. :D



I’ve been a bit busy with school but I finished up the UI graphics for the carbon footprint and created the small prototype of it which you might have seen in our post on Wednesday!


Busy with school!


I’ve been busy with a school project, but I finished 2 assets and added them to the world of Fantastic Energy for players to use. They are the Arcade Pinball and the Art Easel that features concept arts!

Thanks for reading and cya next week!

With love,

Punnu Games team

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